
Kirinyaga has a total of 45,469 acres of coffee grown in 15 coffee cooperative societies and over 400 estates. The total production in the last coffee year (2016/2017) was more than 26,000 tons and this can go up to 40,000 under better climatic conditions and agronomy. During the year 2017/18 the County produced 32,310,958kgs or 32,311 tons of cherry. When this is pulped and dried, it produces 4,615 tons of parchment (7 tons of cherry give 1 ton of parchment). Coffee husks are mainly obtained from the dry processing of coffee berries. About 0.18 ton of husk are produced from 1 ton of coffee fruits Hence 26,000 tons of coffee produces 5,000 tons of Coffee Husks. The coffee Husk Bio-based factory project seeks to re-utilize coffee cherry husks as substrate for biogas and converting it to fuel pellets, aimed at maximizing the added value of the three pillars of sustainability (Environment, Economy and Society).



Joint Venture



Proposal ready

