Kieni Integrated Irrigation Project
The Kieni Integrated Irrigation Project comprises seven small to medium dams in the arid and semi-arid region of Kieni to serve as reservoirs for an irrigation network in the area. • The Seven dam sites, namely, Chania, Tinga, Naromoru, Kamburaini, Wawa, Ngare Ngiro and Karemenu, are to be constructed. • The seven dams can harness a total of approx. 120 cubic meters to command a feasible irrigable area of 5,200 Ha and serve 52,000 households. The Kieni area is primarily water deficit despite being nestled between two water towers (Aberdares and Mt. Kenya). In addition, the area has experienced a population increase; therefore, competition for dwindling natural resources leads to high poverty levels and food insufficiency. In its quest to meet the national food policy and alleviate poverty in the Kieni area, the Government of Kenya (GoK) prioritized the Development of the Kieni Irrigation Project as one of the flagship projects of Vision 2030. In the last few years, the GoK has funded TARDA to implement some smallholder schemes in the area; however, these rely on existing flows from streams. Therefore, the Project will be realized by damming the rivers that transverse the project area and emanating from the significant water towers of the Aberdare Ranges and Mt. Kenya for irrigation purposes. The estimated cost is US$250 Million. Project outputs: • Open up 2,300ha under smallholder irrigation schemes. • Employment creation of 5,000 and 100,000 people directly and indirectly, respectively • Improved income levels in households.
Public Private Partnership
Sites identified
Kieni East and Kieni West areas of Nyeri County.

Tana and Athi River Development Authority
Kieni East and Kieni West areas of Nyeri County.
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