Project Objectives • To improve the standard of living through production and utilization of clean affordable solar energy for sustainable social and economic development. Overview • Kenya produces a total of 2,299 MW against a target of 5,000 MW (Kenya Power Annual Report, June 2015) most of which is hydropower, geothermal and petroleum energy. Much has been done by the government to increase power production but there has been limited investment on clean energy sources such as solar. For instance, the 3 power stations (Kipevu, Tsavo and Rabai) at the Coast region rely on fossil fuel to generate energy. With the increasing demand on electricity, there is need to invest on sustainable sources of power such as solar that in not only clean but also readily available. • This project seeks to establish Solar Power Generation Stations at the Coast Region with a capacity to produce and supply 40MW with a potential to increase to 300MW to the national grid. The region is suitable for this project because sunlight is relatively abundant and the sunshine duration is relatively long. • The proposed 40 MW Solar Power Generation Project in Tana River will involve production and utilization of clean and affordable energy for sustainable social and economic development. The land earmarked for the project site is 100 acres located in Boji that is about 25Km from Hola town along the Malindi-Garissa Highway and the National Grid Power line. Project Outputs • 40 MW of solar power generated • Approximately 1.5 % of national power deficit supplied to the national grid • 1,000 youth and women employed • Kshs 150M revenue generated annually Project Strengths • Availability of land for solar and related infrastructure development • Increasing demand for clean sources of energy for industrial and domestic use • Availability of sunshine throughout the year • Solar is renewable energy hence sustainable • This project contributes to government Big 4 agenda of employment creation, production (availability cheaper energy option) and environmental conservation (cleaner energy source). • The broad government renewable energy strategy is to harvest 400 MW of electricity from the country's vast solar resources
Joint Venture
Feasibility study
Tana River Mombasa

Tana River
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