Thuci Dam Project
The Runyenjes and Manyatta sub-counties in Embu County, Kenya, served by Embu Water and Sanitation Company (EWASCO), are experiencing a population growth of around 106,000. This surge has led to a heightened demand for water, surpassing the current supply system's capacity. To address this, there is a need for upgrading water supply infrastructure to ensure clean and reliable water access for the growing population. The increasing demand for water in the next 30 years is driven by population growth, irrigation needs, and unpredictable weather patterns causing prolonged droughts. To tackle this, there's a proposal to build a dam, deemed economically and financially viable. The project is expected to contribute to food security, boost small-scale farmers' income, and help alleviate poverty and hunger. Financial projections indicate viability, with a payback period of 24 years and a 2.72% internal rate of return. The project's revenue sources include domestic water supply, irrigation, and hydropower. The benefits extend to farmers through increased yields, expanded irrigation area, and improved gross margins. Other advantages include domestic water supply, tourism attraction, fishing, and water sports. The project's timeline involves a 5-year construction period and a 25-year operation and maintenance period. Key stakeholders include the National Treasury, PPP Directorate, State Department of Irrigation, Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, and the National Irrigation Authority. Overall, the project aims to address water needs, promote economic growth, and enhance the well-being of the local communities.
Water and Sanitation
Public Private Partnership
Sites identified

National Irrigation Authority
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