
FPL is a private limited company which was established in February 2020 as a special purpose vehicle to take over the assets and business operations of Organic Growers and Packers Ltd (under liquidation) (OGPL). The company (FPL) is jointly owned by KDC and Development Bank of Kenya Ltd, with the two institutions having 61% and 39% stake, respectively. OGPL is a company that was set up in June 2007 to process fresh mango and banana fruit into mango puree and banana concentrate for export market. The project is fully implemented and is developed on 11 acres of land in Msabaha, Kilifi County, Malindi Town. The factory has a capacity to process 5 Metric Tons (MT) of fruits per hour equivalent to approximately 36,000 MT of fruit per year. The raw materials, mangoes and bananas are sourced from small holder farmers in Tana River, Kilifi, and Kwale counties. The processing line was sourced from Bertuzzi Food Processing Company of Italy and comprises of mango and banana puree extraction, puree treatment and puree concentration lines. FPL business plan is to take advantage of the projected growth in consumer and industrial demand by carving out a niche position in its primary target market of European and Middle Eastern market which is expected to take up over 80% of the company’s annual output.



Equity Investment




