
The proposed Bonyunyu Dam is located along the Gucha River at about X = 709167 and Y= 9922921 (UTM, Arc 1960) at an altitude of about 1823 mamsl with a catchment area of 267 km2. The project will serve Kisii Municipality in Kisii County and the area around the proposed dam, located in Nyamira County. The project area is characterized by hilly terrain of altitudes between the ranges of 1,600mamsl to 2,100 mamsl. Design studies were commissioned by Lake Victoria South Water Services Board (LVSWSB) in 2018 that included a Preliminary Design Report, ESIA and RAP Study Reports The Bonyunyu Dam will be designed to allow sufficient storage for the projected water demand for 2040.

Building and Construction

Building and Construction

Public Private Partnership



Sites identified
